Jun 16Liked by Tales Gubes

Hope you’ll feel better soon. I had regular bouts of tonsillitis myself - almost annually - prior to the pandemic. I also had considered removing my tonsils too.

But funny enough, the pandemic improved my hygiene practices and I stopped getting tonsillitis (so far) 😌

Your writing about social connections is beautiful. Personally, without the apps, I don’t know how I’d interact with a new person in an unfamiliar place, especially traveling alone in a new city πŸ₯²

I struggle at opening up to a total stranger in-person when I’m by myself, and I totally appreciate you going out of the way looking out for people who are alone.

It’s often easier for me to ask for help for something to start a conversation rather than having a complete blank canvas πŸ˜….

It’s an area that I want to improve on and have more practice, and also boost my self confidence 😣

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I am very situational about this. If I perceive myself as the most confident in the group, chances are I will take up that role. However, if I am with people that I perceive as more confident than me, I generally shy away from fulfilling that role. Of course there are exceptions, but I normally need to reach a certain confidence level before I can facilitate other people's connections, which is why I like to organize events myself – the "organizer" role somehow gives me that inner power.

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Thank you for this beautiful post! It reminded me of when I was a new student at a local community college. I went by myself to a meeting of the Psychology Club and the club president, Efrain, welcomed me like a friend. His small kindness of that moment changed my life in many small and large ways. All I know is that when given the chance, I've striven to be that person for others. Thank you, Tales, for reawakening that fond memory!

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